Franska fyrir flugfreyur og flugþjóna – 8, 10. og 11. júní 2020, kl. 17-20

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Eins dags frönskunámskeið – laugardagur 28. mars 2020

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Eins dags frönskunámskeið – laugardagur 30. nóvember 2019

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Lotunámskeið – Franska í eina viku! – frá 9. til 13. desember 2019

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Eins dags frönskunámskeið – laugardagur 25. maí 2019

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Eins dags frönskunámskeið – laugardagur 23. febrúar 2019

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Eins dags frönskunámskeið – laugardagur 30. mars 2019

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Lotunámskeið – Franska í eina viku! – frá 3. til 7. desember 2018

In this class, students will learn the basics in French:
Greetings & introducing oneself. Giving and asking for personal information (name, address, telephone number, age). Numbers & asking for prices. Communicating in French in the classroom. Expressing likes and dislikes. Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.

Þemanámskeið „bragðlaukar haustsins“ á frönsku 20. nóvember, kl. 18-20

Þessu námskeiði er ætlað til að bæta við kunnáttu í frönsku með því að undirbúa og borða hollan og góðan rétt. Aðalmarkmið námskeiðsins er að bæta við kunnáttu sína í franskri menningu í gegnum frönsku matargerðina og með því að æfa sig í talmáli á frönsku. Orðaforði uppskriftarinnar verður kynntur í byrjun tímans. Námskeiðið verður…